Friday, December 19, 2008

Attitude and Choices

What is your Attitude? Who is in control of it?
The last seven days working in Central Mass and New Hampshire impacted me a lot.
Gardner Ma. The town was totally in dark and under few inches of ice for five days until we slowly restored power.

Even with such bad circumstances and freezing temperature, people were in a high spirit. Nothing had change for them and smiles were still there despite the hardship. The stores, hotels, restaurants were all closed. No traffic signals, no schools were open, not even gas stations to fuel from.
Working with the residents made my job much easier since their smiles never departed from their faces.
So, what is important to me? That was the question came to mind after such experience.
Let me ask you as well, what are the important things to you? I think, I may have versed the question wrong. I should ask, what is your Attitude? What is your focus on?
How strong your eternal joy is? How easily you are impacted by the circumstances?
Does a cloudy day changes your attitude? How about snowy day?

When we center our thinking on the martial things that makes us feel good about our lives or the things that makes us happy, then once these things or circumstances change, our happiness disappears. But, our joy should be much deeper than this and not easly scratched.
When you find your joy is disapearing, remember to take the focus of ourselves and keep it on God.

Joy is a choice just like anything else that you need to choose. So, where do you decide to find your joy is your choice. Is it in a Sunny day which God provided us with or in a snowy day that also God provided us with? Where your cores believes in finding joy? I believe, that I need to examine my core joy reasons and my choices that I make. God has given me life not only to deliver on his purpose for my life, but also to be happy and joyful in it, but it all depends on the decisions that I and you make and that choice and the attitude you and I want to see it. Sunny or snowy outside the window, it does not matter any longer, if you see the circumstance through God’s window, you and I will be joyful no matter what.

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